Inspiration for Writing by Writers

October 29, 2009

Hemingway in 1950

I’ve been collecting quotes on writing by other writers. Whenever I need to get the psyche pumped up for doing some writing, I read these over. Here’s some you might like.

“Writings such agony. So’s making love if you doing it wrong.” 

“Never correct or rewrite until it’s all down. Rewrite in progress is usually an excuse not to go on.”
John Steinbeck

“I have never thought of myself as a good writer. Anyone who wants reassurance of that should read one of my first drafts. But I’m one of the world’s great rewriters.”  James Michener

“If it sounds like writing I rewrite it.”  Elmore Leonard

“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader.”  Robert Frost

Some final ones by one of my favorite writers, Ernest Hemingway.

“The first draft of anything is shit.”

“The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shockproof shit detector.”

“Work everyday. No matter what has happened the day or night before, get up and bite on the nail.”

Where the Wild Things Are

October 19, 2009

WildThingStampUS2006Maurice Sendak is an Jewish-American writer and illustrator born June 10, 1928 in Brooklyn, New York. He both wrote and illustrated the book. It was published in 1963 and became an immediate hit. The story received the Caldecott prize for Most Distinguished American Picture book for children in 1964.  Sendak’s books are somewhat controversial because of his drawings and subject matter, but the kids eat it up.

“Where the Wild Things Are” is now a major motion picture. In 1966 the United States Postal Service issued a set of stamps for the best children’s books. His story was one of the stamps.

Sendak’s “Little Bear” stories are now a TV series and appear on Treehouse TV here in Canada.  Sendak is still living and is now 81. He helped write the screenplay for this movie.

Empty Nesters – Get a Monkey Baby

October 5, 2009
Rhesus monkey - your next child?

Rhesus monkey - your next child?

Last evening on “The Learning Channel” (TLC) they had a show about people who adopt Rhesus monkeys and raise them and treat them as if they were human children. One man’s quote floored me, “Don’t call her a monkey, she’s my daughter”!

Seems most of the people doing this are empter nesters, those whose children have grown up and left home. They just couldn’t get enough of bottles and diapers so now having these monkeys gives them that forever.

One couple tried to take theirs into a restaurant and were denied access, they didn’t allow animals into the establishment.

So for all you empty nesters out there looking to carry on nurturing adopt one. They cost $4500 and if you get tired of it, send it to a zoo.

Getting Published – Creative Nonfiction

October 4, 2009
Just before the shots - 46 yrs ago.

Just before the shots - 46 yrs ago.

Today I celebrate another milestone in my writing career. I got published again. This time in an e-zine called Reflective Dog. A creative nonficton piece called, The Motorcade.

It’s about an historical event from the eyes of a fictional bystander. It tries to capture the excitement, emotion and shock of the event.

Check it out at this site,